Qui-Gon Joe Apr 14, 2006
I dunno if that has been confirmed or whatever, but the new ad pamphlet that comes in the new DS English/Japanese/Kanji dictionary (that came out yesterday) shows a screenshot of what's either a SMB3-style overworld or a Mario Party board. I'm guessing the former. Cool to see yet another element from the old styles coming back, though I did much prefer the SMW overworld to the SMB3/Yoshi's Island one. It felt a lot more like a real world to me back when I was a kid playing them.
As for the dictionary itself, it seems very good so far. Certainly better than the one they released last year. The kanji recognition is brilliant and I've had better luck getting it to figure out what I'm writing than on anything I've ever used before (including a Zaurus). I'll post more impressions once I've had the time to work with the program more in depth, but I'm definitely not regretting dropping that 4800 yen on it.
Plus, registering it early snags me this cool case for both cartridges (though the original sort of feels rendered useless by the new software):