the_miker Aug 5, 2010
Anybody buy this yet? If you did, add me on 360 (tehmiker) so we can do some awesome Castlevania co-op action! For those on the fence about it, download the demo and you'll be hooked.
Anybody buy this yet? If you did, add me on 360 (tehmiker) so we can do some awesome Castlevania co-op action! For those on the fence about it, download the demo and you'll be hooked.
So here' a quick rundown.
I'm a huge Castlevania enthusiast (finished all of the GBA/DS Games).
Bought this game yesterday at around 5/6 in the afternoon.
Note that I have only played Single Player (Xbox Silver Account).
Game is absolutely stunning and engaging, presentation, soundtrack are fabulous and loot collecting is very addicting.
Before I knew, I have finished the game...at around 6 in the morning, that's how gripping it is.
Last form of the last boss is no joke if you're going alone (last incarnation), it wasn't in Rondo of Blood nor SOTN (flashback).
So yeah, as a single player game (and I assume multiplayer) game shines, don't let some of the reviews discourage you, it's a robust adventure game that has whole lot of replayability that made other Castlevania games so enjoyable to go through multiple times.
I hope Konami releases album as arrangements in Castlevania HD are reminiscent of those in Dracula Perfect Selections (plenty of shredding and guitar ripping), - top notch.
I'm a huge Castlevania enthusiast (finished all of the GBA/DS Games).
Game is absolutely stunning and engaging, presentation, soundtrack are fabulous and loot collecting is very addicting.
a robust adventure game that has whole lot of replayability that made other Castlevania games so enjoyable to go through multiple times.
this is going to keep me up at night
I played the demo and the first word that comes to mind is "mediocre." It's not as bad as some of the reviews lead me to believe, but by no means is it good, and there's no way in hell I'd pay $15 for this, especially since it's not even the full game (new levels and characters were leaked today that will be sold separately). Since the whole game is recycled, I want to see a price that reflects this. This should be $5 for everything, the characters should move faster, and you should be able to change your equipment whenever you want.
I've also read that they might port this to PSN. A rare case for me since I generally get things on 360 instead of PS3, but playing 2D games with the 360's d-pad is just such a pain in the arse. It's one of the (very) few things for which I prefer the dualshock.
Since the whole game is recycled, I want to see a price that reflects this.
in the (weak) defense of the developers, I'm pretty sure all the music is new - besides the handful of original tracks, all the arrangements seem to be new versions (though I haven't heard the take on Dance of Illusions). Granted, some of those arrangements are pretty poor, but I don't recognize any as being cribbed straight from games/published soundtracks.
I played the demo and the first word that comes to mind is "mediocre." It's not as bad as some of the reviews lead me to believe, but by no means is it good, and there's no way in hell I'd pay $15 for this, especially since it's not even the full game (new levels and characters were leaked today that will be sold separately). Since the whole game is recycled, I want to see a price that reflects this. This should be $5 for everything
First of all, - since when $15 is a lot for a game?
Art assets are reused, - yes, but you're getting an all new levels that are cleverly designed with plenty of personality (first time ever in HD, whether it's a proper HD when zoomed in, that's a different topic).
It's a classic Castlevania with blasting newly arranged soundtrack and a lot to offer, you're saying $5 worth of content?
That will gets you Dig Dug or Galaga ports and alikes these days, think about that.
Most of the new releases are $10/$15 these days (many of them aren't worth it) but this game is absolutely worth $15 and then some.
I'm currently at 20 hours mark in single player with no intentions of abandoning it on the horizon.
Each character has its way of level upping himself/herself (for instance Soma collects Souls, Jonathan learns Martial Arts, etc and each of these abilities is unique to the one you picked, they do gain experience in some way or other).
the characters should move faster, and you should be able to change your equipment whenever you want.
That is a ridiculous statement, have you ever played Castlevania game before?
All of the protagonists move at a speed they always did on PSX/GBA/DS, there is nothing abnormal about it and they are all quite balanced.
And changing equipment/status screen has been redesigned for a reason, having access to it at any given time would break experience for others since it's a single player/multi player hybrid.
I've also read that they might port this to PSN. A rare case for me since I generally get things on 360 instead of PS3, but playing 2D games with the 360's d-pad is just such a pain in the arse. It's one of the (very) few things for which I prefer the dualshock.
You shouldn't hesitate because game controls great with analog stick on 360.
I'm not sure whether I should appreciate your enthusiasm to defend a troubled product or be depressed by how readily you embrace it.
The product is troubled yes but being yet another CastleVania enthusiast hearing Isabella praising the game really makes me reconsider my lukewarm feelings. I can't wait to hear the new arrangements and con my friends into buying it (or more likely buying it for them as I do with some games I want to play with them)
I only hope in the case of the characters that some of the sprites have gone through an improvement process. I love Julius Belmont but his sprite never really hit me as exceedingly well animated. I'd love to see some upgraded ones like Juste or my favorite protagonist Simon. Or how about a Young Morris Baldwin????
The possibilities alone are enticing. The only thing I cross my fingers for now is a PSN release. No 360 here.
I'm not sure whether I should appreciate your enthusiasm to defend a troubled product or be depressed by how readily you embrace it.
I vote the former. The internet could use more enthusiasm and less malaise and snark (I'm as guilty of this as anybody).
I've been addicted to this game since I got it a few days ago. Collecting souls, equipment, etc. and the online co-op with 6 players are the two best things about it. I beat the final boss last night (OMG spoiler guess who it is!) online with a pretty skilled group of players. Strategizing and actually talking to each other with headsets inside a Castlevania game was a new feeling but I loved it. The dudes I was playing with were all hardcore gamers who've played and mastered every Castlevania from the NES days to the DS games of today. Very cool experience, I must say. But don't get me wrong, the game is still a blast on single player too. I actually beat chapter 1-5 on my own and then needed some assistance beating chapter 6. Playing single player and collecting souls as Soma (my main character of choice) is just too fun, very reminiscent of Aria and Dawn, only now on a big screen.
Once you finish all the chapters on Normal, Hard Mode unlocks and the shop opens up with better equipment. Hard Mode is certainly living up to its name so far, wow. It feels like the older Castlevania games where if you take just a handful of hits, you're pretty much screwed. Even a little Fleaman does some intense damage. We need more games like this one, Konami. Fun, challenging, addicting, cheap, huge replay value, a blast to play online, and great soundtrack!
I think I'm exhausted from listening to awesome music.
The game or the soundtrack? I'm guessing you're totally SOL on the first, but that there's always a slim hope for the latter. I mean, we DID get CDs for those pachinko games.
Yeah I meant the OST release. I've come to the executive decision that while the soundtrack is wonderful it pulls a little too much from the DS Vanias. I especially never really liked the boss battle songs from those games. I appreciate the awesome remixes from the levels though. I was surprised there wasn't reprisals of old classics or at least a couple of tunes from SotN. I don't know that the Pachinko release would necessarily facilitate a release for this game. I hope your right Qui.
I'm still gunning for Circle of the Moon stuff.
I'm not sure whether I should appreciate your enthusiasm to defend a troubled product or be depressed by how readily you embrace it.
After years of truly mediocre 3-D installments in the series, fans finally get 2-D adventure on a current gen system (with a slight twist but at the same time refreshing breath of air), and it gets bashed to no end by jaded users of the internet.
It's apparently hip to show your discontent and straight out hatred for whatever nitpick you may have with the product and you hardly ever hear people appreciate it, now that - is depressing.
Yeah agreed. If I hear any more complaints from people angry about SF4 or Continuum Shift after the near death of fighting games I might have to kill some people. We're lucky Konami still bears a 2-D torch.
I just played Harmony of Despair for 8 hours straight. It is now 3:30 in the morning. Good night!
I just played Harmony of Despair for 8 hours straight. It is now 3:30 in the morning. Good night!
Where are you now?
I have finished single player on hard yesterday.
I finally beat Dracula on my own last night, on hard. Now that that's over with, all I have left to do is farm for souls and equipment in multiplayer until the DLC is out. I've been playing with the same handful of guys and they're all really skilled, makes it way more fun.
There's just something about online multiplayer 2D Castlevania w/ voice chat that amazes me.
Spent a little time last night trying this out as Charlotte (Jonathan! Charlotte! Jonathan!). I'm sorry that I didn't join in the game with you, miker, but you practically need a microscope to even see your character on a SD 13-inch screen and after 10 minutes of tinkering with options I can't seem to get it to zoom in (the zoomed-out full screen option is greyed out and can't be deactivated). Needless to say, my play attempt, such as it was, went pretty badly.
If I do get on this effectively it'll probably be on Monday and Thursday afternoons, i.e. when I can put my hard drive on my sister's system with her 52-inch HDTV.
It appears the OST is announced with two more Castlevania tribute albums.
It appears the OST is announced with two more Castlevania tribute albums.
No such. Let wait until more substantial information comes.
Despite my feelings about the game, this new map looks pretty cool:
Castlevania: Harmony Of Despair Bound For PS3
I beat the shit out of this game on the 360 but will gladly play through it again on the PS3 with my PSN buddies. Plus, the d-pad on the DualShock 3 will make this game waaay more comfortable to play.
Castlevania: Harmony Of Despair Bound For PS3
I beat the shit out of this game on the 360 but will gladly play through it again on the PS3 with my PSN buddies. Plus, the d-pad on the DualShock 3 will make this game waaay more comfortable to play.
the_miker wrote:Castlevania: Harmony Of Despair Bound For PS3
I beat the shit out of this game on the 360 but will gladly play through it again on the PS3 with my PSN buddies. Plus, the d-pad on the DualShock 3 will make this game waaay more comfortable to play.
Word! If the PlayStation Store ever comes back online, I might even buy this.
normally i'd get this, but the heavy DLC is making me very unhappy
normally i'd get this, but the heavy DLC is making me very unhappy
I know what you mean, but I think I'll enjoy it just fine without any add-ons.
It's a solid adventure even without the dlc content.
Random loot drops definitely help to prolong its longevity.
Yea this comes out on PSN on Tuesday. Includes two extra characters and an extra map (Pyramid of Ruin) from the Xbox DLC, as well as four-player local co-op to go along with the six-player online.
http://www.siliconera.com/2011/09/23/ca … next-week/
'bout damn time!
Yea this comes out on PSN on Tuesday. Includes two extra characters and an extra map (Pyramid of Ruin) from the Xbox DLC, as well as four-player local co-op to go along with the six-player online.
If anybody with a PS3 bought this and wants to play, add me (the_miker) on PSN!