SonicPanda Oct 12, 2010 (edited Oct 12, 2010)
Halloween's getting closer, and I've been in a CV kind of mood. Anybody feel the same?
Just to kick things off, the Lords of Shadow thread started to spin off in this direction, so let's start with the most basic question - what would you say are the best CV tunes? I'll add my own with links shortly.
EDIT: OK, my top 25 (not in any real order, I don't want to choose):
Battle of the Holy - Castlevania: The Adventure
The Silence of Daylight - Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Bloody Tears - Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Beginning - Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
Mad Forest - Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
Simon's Theme - Super Castlevania IV
Ruined Castle Corridor - Aria of Sorrow
Clock Tower - Aria of Sorrow
A Clashing of Waves - Order of Ecclesia
Sorrow's Distortion - Order of Ecclesia
Proof of Blood - Circle of the Moon
Condemned Tower - Dawn of Sorrow
Jail of Jewels - Portrait of Ruin (prefer the DS take)
Hail From the Past - Portrait of Ruin (prefer the original take)
Thrashard in the Cave - Castlevania X68000
You Goddamned Bathead - Castlevania X68000
Cordova Town - Curse of Darkness
Dracula's Castle - Symphony of the Night
Requiem For the Gods - Symphony of the Night
Crystal Teardrop - Symphony of the Night (it's all about 1:07)
Creatures in the Depth - Castlevania Chronicles
Tower of Dolls - Castlevania Chronicles
Etude For the Killer - Castlevania Chronicles
Stone King Golem - Lament of Innocence
Leon's Theme - Lament of Innocence