Angela Oct 10, 2010
Picking up from where this part of the topic started, I figured Ys Seven was deserving of its own thread. Just bought the game off of PSN myself, and gave it a good hour's play.
It was a toss-up between starting on Normal or Hard, but I chose the latter. I'm digging it so far, though there's quite a bit more drawn-out dialogue than what I'm used to in an Ys game. (I haven't played much of Ys VI, admittedly -- how does it compare story-wise?) I did get a chuckle out of Dogi's series reference to Adol's bad luck with boats and ships. ;) Also, there doesn't appear to be any voice acting in the game, save for the shout phrases whenever you're swapping out your lead character. They gave Adol a voice, and I'm fairly certain I don't like it. Did they have to make him so, I dunno..... aggressive sounding?
The game's maneuverability is FAST. Everything about the game is, actually; even traversing around towns feels streamlined due to the quickened pace. (Though perhaps a necessity - Altago City is freaken HUGE.) As Zealboy stated, the combat is swift and enjoyable. I was tempted to just hack away at every enemy I encounter, but I've begun to show restraint and gone about trying to master flash-guarding. It really is a handy way to increase your SP meter. Beating the corpses of your fallen enemies for additional loot is strangely compelling as well.
But the best part of the experience is the soundtrack. I've developed a real fondness to the score these past couple of months, and as Pedrith says, it's great to finally hear the music in context. I've been battling in the fields, and lovingly soaking up "Mother Earth Altago." Really digging Raud's theme "Loud". (Was his name actually 'Loud' in the Japanese original, or are they simply referring to the character's demeanor?) I can't wait to get to "Desert of Despair" and "Place of Reticent Lava."