Adam's review wrote:Though the sound of the album is very much true to its chiptune theme, this is not your father's (or your twenty years younger self's) NES 8-bit.
This part depressed the hell out of me, because 1) God, it really was 20 years ago when I could be considered a "younger self," and 2) It's more like 25 years. At least, that's the time frame that feels closer to when I was most appreciative of the chiptune era.
I'm still digesting the album, but the big standout for me so far is the Chrono Trigger Character Medley. I'm in awe by how thoroughly intelligent this arrangement is. From start to finish, it just SOUNDS smart and efficient. The bookending of Outskirts of Time punctuated at the right moments. The fluid, thematic progression of the medley itself. (I'm glad they didn't opt to loop Lucca, yet chose to keep both the OSV opening and core melodies of Frog. Starting Magus at the tail end of his melody made for a great introduction, and omitting Chrono's theme all together was a wise choice to avoid redundancy from the first track on the album.) And then there's the genuinely delightful surprises peppered throughout; I wasn't expecting Schala, and I was wearing a broad smile when I heard the sound effects for Frog's croak and the ringing of Leene's Bell.