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Moses Jun 3, 2006

So, they have recorded the concert, but they won't release a DVD. Such a shame.

HamandSushi Jun 3, 2006

That video seemed solely designed to give you enough tidbits of the music to keep watching (while groaning at groveling by all parties), but in the end say: No soup for you!  Go move to [arbitrary location] if you want the real thing!

Minneapolis always gets shafted.

Carl Jun 6, 2006

Here's a nice 28 photo slideshow of the Meet & Greet.
There's a photo of each composer and a photo of their signatures inside the Program Booklet.

(the first 2 pictures look crappy, the other 26 are great!)

Zane Jun 6, 2006

The downside to those pictures is that the dude who took them had the flash on too bright, so everyone looks like they have a pound of oil on their face.

Carl Jun 6, 2006 (edited Jun 6, 2006)

oh yes - Very killer video of Akira Yamaoka on stage!  (Best!)

PLAY's One Winged Angel, from the same guy as above (Nice quality)

Good but short clip of PLAY's Metal Gear Solid Theme  (Decent)

Only the opening of the Chrono Suite, just barely even gets going...  all the best parts were at the middle and end!  (audio is fine, video is garbage)

Kirin Lemon Jun 6, 2006

Carl wrote:

Only the opening of the Chrono Suite, just barely even gets going...  all the best parts were at the middle and end!  (audio is fine, video is garbage)

Technically, this was the middle of the piece.  Pity nobody got any better footage of the whole thing, because it was amazing as all hell.

Carl Jun 6, 2006 (edited Jun 6, 2006)

Shows how much of a hazy short-term memory storage I have...
I need a DS Lite & Brain Age over here, STAT!

Back on Topic, here's some audio scrounged up from another user on an obscure forum:
Sonic the Hedgehog Suite!

Alex Jun 7, 2006

Somebody actually recorded the whole Sonic track!!  It's not great quality, but I'm very, very happy to hear it again!  Actually, I'd love to hear the rest of the pieces, minus the Final Fantasy ones I already have orchestral recordings of.  I don't care about the videos particularly, but somebody must have recorded more music, right?  I'm desperate for more of these to be posted if there's not going to be a Play! CD released.

The concert was a really brilliant experience, and I had a lot of fun.  The only thing I'm disappointed in is that I didn't get to meet all the Soundtrack Central people that came.  Fortunately I did track down Zane in the lobby before the show (a nicer guy than Zane, you can't imagine), but it would have been great to meet the rest of you.  How many STC people ended up coming?

By the way, I just found this write-up.  It's not the best overview of the concert I've seen, but it does have some good pictures:  Coincidentally, the back of my head is in one of the pictures, but I'll refrain from mentioning which one.  : )

Alex Jun 22, 2006

Thanks again, Carl -- this really made my day!  I'm especially happy to hear Kondo's performance since it made a big impression at the time, and it was a one-time only event.  I've been listening to it and the others quite a lot recently.  If you find any more recordings, please let us know!

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