Ryu Mar 23, 2006
Does anyone have this soundtrack? It appears to be discontinued and getting rather rare. I'm looking really just for one track, EG Daily's 'One Way Love (Better Off Dead)'.
Does anyone have this soundtrack? It appears to be discontinued and getting rather rare. I'm looking really just for one track, EG Daily's 'One Way Love (Better Off Dead)'.
Does anyone have this soundtrack? It appears to be discontinued and getting rather rare. I'm looking really just for one track, EG Daily's 'One Way Love (Better Off Dead)'.
I've got it. What's your e-mail addy?
Thanks, but I already got it. Sorry I didn't follow-up on this thread.
Ok, I'm curious though...you have the album or just that song?
On a side note, this is one of my favorite movies from the 80s, and I'm curious if they will double dip the DVD like they did Airplane! and Ferris Bueller's Day Off (Bueller...Bueller...Edition).
Ok, I'm curious though...you have the album or just that song?
On a side note, this is one of my favorite movies from the 80s, and I'm curious if they will double dip the DVD like they did Airplane! and Ferris Bueller's Day Off (Bueller...Bueller...Edition).
I have the original A&M Records CD release of the Better Off Dead OST, and I also have a bootleg CD version of the Ferris Bueller's Day Off soundtrack. I am still hoping for an official CD release of the soundtracks from FBDO, as well as Weird Science, Sixteen Candles, and other 80's classics, including the scores (not OSTs) from Back to the Future, Teen Wolf, The Goonies, and so many more.
*crosses fingers*
You guys are great. I didn't know anyone else even KNEW Better Off Dead existed. What a great movie.
I didn't know they made a new Ferris Bueller DVD either. The original that I have is pretty much non-existant on the features....is the new one worth a purchase?
I found it odd a few weeks back when the winner on Jeopardy! bid just $2---he was asked the next day why and said it was because he was a big fan of the movie. I'm certain he'd risk more if he wasn't in a comfortable lead and the category was one he seemed not to be particularly strong in.
I've not watched the new Ferris Bueller DVD yet; I picked it up on a splurge and that's about it. Says on the back there is a cast gathering, making of featurette, "Who is Ferris Bueller?" thing, "The World According to Ben Stein", "Lost Tapes" which I assume are deleted scenes, and a "Class Album" which I assume is just a collection of the casts' IMDB entries.
Could my search for this album finally come to an end???
I would really love to have this album!!!