Zane wrote:I found FFXII to be too lighthearted and contrived to be worth anything to me.
Huh? I'm confused, how did you find it lighthearted? Sure there are plenty of "light" tracks, usually they are tracks that coincide with the early Vaan and Penelo adventures, or refer to their characters in general. But Final Fantasy Tactics Advance had plenty of light tracks too, and I wouldn't downgrade that cd.
Heck, as far as character themes go, 4-9 "Ashe's Theme" goes from sweeping melody to downright creepy. And I don't want to spoil anything, as I've played the heck out of the import, but this theme crops up in the game in a spot that made me go "WTF, this is her theme?!"
But I love this game, and I love the soundtrack too. For me, this game really reminds me of FFVI, maybe not in plot or presentation, but I got so wrapped up in it (my total play time is 178 hours, more time than I have spent on the last three FF titles combined) that when I hear certain tracks on the OST, I remember things that happened in the game and I get either happy or sad. Yeah, I'm fruity that way.
And I havent had a experience like that since FFVI.
And regarding Uematsu. as I said in the other FFXII thread, I just don't think that his style would fit this game very well, it's just not the type of Final Fantasy he is used to composing for.
One thing that really annoyed me however, is that in order to get FFXII to fit on one dvd, Square downsampled the audio. I forget what type of Dolby encoding the game uses, but the audio on the cds is much better that in the game. I remember first listening to the cds and going "Wow, I hadn't heard those instruments before!" Due to this downsampling, some of the higher pitched themes (probably some of the ones Zane took offense to
) like, 1-7, "Secret Practice", and 1-8, "A Small Happiness" are downright painful. It's really rather disappointing, and I can only assume that they kept the game off two dvds for costs reasons, as the game was 7,800, or 8,800 yen to start with. I paid $75 for it from
Some of my favorite tracks:
1-9. "Royal City of Rabanastre" This one gets stuck in my head.
1-11. "Dream to be a Sky Pirate" I first heard this when I watched and early promo video, and it really struck me as so beautiful, I just wish it were longer.
1-12. "Little Rascal"
1-25. "Giza Plains"
2-8. "Nalbina Fortress Ungderground" Love the vocals, which are really muffled in the game
3-3. "Sorrow Imperial Version" Chokes me up, plays in a really significant scene.
3-7. "Ozmone Plains" Probably my favorite track
3-9. "Eryut Village" So beautiful it gives me chills
3-13 "Clash on the Big Bridge" Love it. You'll laugh when you get here in the game.
3-16. "Time for a Rest" Another of my top favorites
4-11. "To the place of the Gods" I like the waltz-like beat
4-13. "To the Peak"
Ones I dislike or am on the fence about:
1-19. "Rabanastre Downtown" Don't like it at all
1-23. "Clan Headquaters" I dunno, it just seems to annoy me.
3-1. "The Sandsea" Ugh! Of course, I hated this portion of the game too...
3-19. "The Phon Coast" I sort of like it, but it's just so loud
3-24. "The Mosphoran Highwaste" Same problem as 3-19.
4-9. "Ashe's Theme" Why the heck is the theme at 1:36~2:39 even in there?! You'll see what I mean when you get here in the game O_o
4-16. "The Battle for Freedom" The theme is all over the place, and at 8:51, its really long, but given the way the game event plays out, it kinda needs to be. From 4:14~6:17, and again at 7:21~8:51 is the core theme, which I really do like.
Kenology, the original version of "Clash on the Big Bridge", from FFV, is equally awesome.
I uploaded it here
*edited because I can't spell when I type fast.