Ryu Jun 14, 2007
Direct from Capcom, this is allegedly what Akuma will look like in the game itself: http://blogs.capcomusa.com/blogs/digita … 15#more315 I can't wait to see it motion!
Here's a step-by-step on how Udon is redoing the art in the game, using Ken in a pose: http://blogs.capcomusa.com/blogs/digita … 28#more328 Makes me curious how it will actually look in motion now... all they are doing is replacing each frame of animation or will they make it smoother by adding more frames?
Interesting info from that last link:
– The chances of this kind of treatment (“HD Remix”) being done on another Street Fighter game will depend on how SF HD Remix does.
– We will not be redoing the music or the voice and sound effects.
– Zangief should be retaining all of the scars in from the original game. For that matter, the character designs for everyone else will be the same as well.
– The game will not have any new characters or secrets that the original did not have. We will, however, be re-working the endings. We will not change the main content/message of the endings, but the writers at Udon will be re-imagining them to offer another angle or take on the original endings. I’m not going to spoil anything about them, but it’ll be pretty damn cool for those that know the old endings.
I'd like to see a SF3:3rd Strike HD Remixed and SFA2G HDR (if I have to choose, otherwise I'd like all three SFAs). I'd be happy with any (and all) of the Marvel fighting games prior to MvC.