Adam Corn Dec 6, 2008
OC ReMix's official soundtrack is out and I'm assuming most of you have heard it by now. (If not, what are you waiting for - it's free!) I have to admit I was skeptical at first but props to the people at OCR for delivering an all-around excellent arranged album while managing to keep the spirit of the original intact.
So now let's get to it... favorite character themes! Feel free to list the HD versions where appropriate.
1. Dosu-Koi (E. Honda Stage)
2. Flying Heaven (Fei Long Stage)
3. New Mexican Thunderbird (T. Hawk Stage)
4. Mountain Breaker (Akuma Stage)
5. Street Market (Chun-Li Stage)
Ken's, Blanka's and Zangief's music are also excellent! I wish the HD version of Bison's theme were used for the main version - that drum n bass is so right.
Bonus Poll: Favorite Ending Theme
Long Leg of the Law (Chun-Li Ending 3)
Would love to write more but have some last-minute Japanese studying to do. Let's see those picks! (Jay and Angela, feel free to double-post here. I wanted to get a proper thread going in the game music forum asap.)