Adam Corn Feb 5, 2014
Polygon has an Oral History of Street Fighter II from various development staff that has a lot of interesting tidbits and brings back some memories. Definitely worth reading.
Some personal recollections:
- I remember actually playing the original Street Fighter (1) a few times in the arcade, and besides being too inexperienced to master complex button combinations, being completely unable to focus on the controls while trying to punch those huge buttons. (Also I'm just finding out in this Kotaku article that Sagat was the final boss. That explains a lot.)
- I spent a good bit of time in the arcades with the first Street Fighter II, but Champion Edition was where countless quarters went. Character of choice was Chun Li, followed by Guile, M. Bison and Vega. (Never played the main two protagonists much till later on.)
- The game was pretty much the sole reason I bought a Super Nintendo. Even bought one of those huge (and quite expensive for the time) arcade controllers.
- Chun Li's theme was the only one that stood out to me at the time (this was before I took much notice of VGM). Nowadays the SF Alpha 2 Underground Mixxes remix of Ken's Theme and the SFIV OST arrangement of Guile's Theme would be my favorites. Still not sure if I've heard that one perfect arrangement of Chun Li's theme. Any suggestions?
- I never cared for the faster speed in SFII Turbo and had only a passing curiosity in Super SFII (mostly Fei Long). Was more into Mortal Kombat II by then.
- The dub in the Street Fighter II Animated Movie may have been awful but man a couple of those fight scenes were sick.