Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

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allyourbaseare Aug 16, 2007 (edited Aug 16, 2007)

So am I the only one noticing that there's at least one track missing from the OST?  I'm dying to find the music from the Paramina Rift portion of the game (snow covered mountains) but I'm having no luck.  Does anyone know anything about this?

*edit* It's called "Seeking Power", but it sounds different than in-game.  Reading up on the FFXII discussion, I can see why.  Sorry for wasting everyone's time.

lordskylark Aug 16, 2007

Actually... does anyone have a list of which FF12 OST tracks sound different in the game versus the OST? I noticed this myself. I'm not going to waste my time going through it myself, I was curious if anyone had made note of it.


Cedille Aug 17, 2007

lordskylark wrote:

Actually... does anyone have a list of which FF12 OST tracks sound different in the game versus the OST?

Everything, except for the streamed tracks.

Even "Loop Demo", "Opening Movie", "Level up", "Ending Movie", "Kiss Me Goodbye" and "Symphonic Poem Hope", all of which are streamed, could sound different because the soundtrack got mastered on Feburary after installing all tracks in the game on December.

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