McCall Mar 9, 2006 (edited Sep 10, 2012)
And so was Ys!! YS!!!!!!! I would have never guessed.
Oh come now, there IS a reason that Falcom:
1. is still making PC games that aren't hentai
2. haven't been swallowed by a larger cocmpany
People in Japan actually like their games, generally!
I really didnt enjoy FFX-2 - it was a solid game no doubt, wasnt its mechanics it was its god awful plot full of holes and odd stuff (Pop concerts apparently can stop fanatical cults going to war?) And I played FF11 for about 6 months after which I quit mainly because of the other players and the time it took to play it properly - again it was a solid game and just my personal opinion.
I really loved playing FF7-10 and have had enjoyment out of the previous 6 (I live in the UK so had to play them a lot later then the oroignal release) To me FF are really good games but its personal taste towards issues like plot and opinion of battle systems that form peoples opinions. The junctioning system comes to mind here from FFVIII - It was a solidly built system but many people simply didnt like it. Fair enough I say
FFXII will be great, Im hoping that I will enjoy it as I havent had a proper fun experiance with FF in 6 years since FFX - and as I live in the UK I wont be seeing ff12 for at least another 2 years...
I do enjoy the *FAMITSU SUCKS!!!111* and *FINAL FANTASY IS THE BEST SERIES EVAR!!!111* type of commentary going on in this thread, though. Please, continue to amuse me!
As far as I see it, the reviewers in Famitsu are people, just like the reviewers over here. They all have different tastes, and while they ARE often very generous (just try and find a review in Famitsu less than a 4. Try it!), the perfect 40 is difficult to get.
wanna some more ? X) No wait....
I just seems regarding the way famitsu scored some games, it has kinda lost some credibility over the the passed years, and it just does seem very understandable (to me at least). 40/40. A perfect score. Think about it. A *perfect* score. And with 4 reviewers it should make unanimity. And it most likely won't among gamers.
If it turns out to be like Vagrant Story, you'll surely get some moaning people way before its "time" have ended. Gosh, how many people here think Vagrant deserved a perfect score ? I loved it, but would have never given a perfect score... 39/40 would have been OK -- for those who didn't like or weren't able to get used to the battle system. Now, to think all this is bound to some commercial relationship... *ahem*
Now about FFXII... I don't think much of it right now. And Famitsu is not going to change my mind. But... seeing a game like the ones Matsuno has made for several years going mainstream, with all the complexity he put in them, mmm, makes me skeptical. It's just hard to me to believe in it. We'll see.
Once you figure out your own tastes, mainstream reviews are pretty useless. I'm sure those whose libraries are stuffed with GTA and EA regard my collection of games about as highly as I do theirs.
Quoted a second time for truth.
And so was Ys!! YS!!!!!!! I would have never guessed.
Wait, man, it's not like this big strange reader's top 100 list was made about games (only) from passed three years. Ys is a legend !
(and should be higher ; but again, that's some strange results)
I see this thread didn't get any more educated in my absence.
Just tell me you expected anything else.
I see this thread didn't get any more educated in my absence.
Neither did your messages on this topic, thank you gladly for your contribution.
Yes, that part was absolutely missing in this thread up to now. >_>
Oh crap, you're right! What was I thinking? I knew that our stupid, insipid comments would offend the intelligent ones. Whatever I said, it was stupid, I know. GOSH! I HATE MYSELF!
And you're taking offense......why?