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csK Mar 15, 2008 … -to-the-ds

Well it takes a lot to get my attention, and this did so quite easily.  Obviously details are on the low-down down-low.  But needless to say I'll be watching this with much attention, if only to see whether it'll be the best thing ever or the sign that Squeenix is moving on to milking her peripheral franchises...

Idolores Mar 15, 2008

Missed the first VP, disliked the second, maybe I'll like this one. smile

Amazingu Mar 15, 2008

Idolores wrote:

Missed the first VP, disliked the second, maybe I'll like this one. smile

What the Hell are you waiting for!?
The second can't even stand in its shadow.

Idolores Mar 15, 2008

Amazingu wrote:
Idolores wrote:

Missed the first VP, disliked the second, maybe I'll like this one. smile

What the Hell are you waiting for!?
The second can't even stand in its shadow.

Bah. If I can find it on PSP, I'll check it out. My brother has one, so I'll just pilfer his.

Adoru Mar 16, 2008

I played the first one on PS1 when it first came out and absolutely HATED it. Then for some reason I still bought the port/upgraded version on PSP and LOVED it, mostly because I played with a walkthrough. There's just so many things you can miss story-wise if you don't do specific things at the specific time that I strongly suggest you play it with a walkthrough (which kinda destroys the portability of the PSP version but oh well...) I still haven’t tried the PS2 game even though I bought it first week it came out. I would have hoped they'd make a game with the 3rd valkyrie (Hrist?) to sort of complete the trilogy. Maybe the DS game is just a gaiden.

allyourbaseare Mar 17, 2008

The PSP version was vastly entertaining.  I bought it the day it came out and never looked back. 

Yeah, if you don't play with a walkthrough you end up feeling like you're missing alot, which is true.  There's only a couple of events you need to do at a specific time.  Other than that, I like the open-endedness and the plot twists aplenty. 

*goes back and listens to "Behave Irrationally" for the umpteenth time*

*sigh*  That's the stuff.  smile

csK Mar 18, 2008 (edited Mar 18, 2008)

allyourbaseare wrote:

Yeah, if you don't play with a walkthrough you end up feeling like you're missing alot, which is true.  There's only a couple of events you need to do at a specific time.  Other than that, I like the open-endedness and the plot twists aplenty.

I guess.  I read the FAQ well after completing the game, out of curiousity, and I did notice there were quite a lot of things I didn't see.  But, it never really came up during the course of my actual play, you know?  I was utterly enthralled and mesmerised during the saga, and never did I feel 'man, this is a bit short' or something of the like.  (Though I did often question WHY ISN'T THERE AN OPTION TO TURN OFF THE AWFUL ENGLISH V/O!"

EDIT: I tried to bold, as it would be more classy, but can't figure out how, so CAPS will have to do!

XLord007 Mar 18, 2008

csK wrote:

EDIT: I tried to bold, as it would be more classy, but can't figure out how, so CAPS will have to do!

How to bold:

{b}Text you want to be bold{/b}

Just replace the {} above with []

Text you want to be bold

csK Mar 20, 2008

Thank you! (Come on, you didn't see that coming? big_smile)  I was trying to use the guilliemets before, I didn't realise we used brackets.

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