oddigy Mar 16, 2006
...PSF2s will be done uploading to my site in about 30 minutes.
I don't know about anyone else, but I got tired of hearing the harp glissando reaaaaally quickly.
Enjoy. :)
...PSF2s will be done uploading to my site in about 30 minutes.
I don't know about anyone else, but I got tired of hearing the harp glissando reaaaaally quickly.
Enjoy. :)
Hey Amber, a question that has nothing to do with FF12: Remember that game I sent you some time ago, Veldeselba? Why couldn't you rip any sound files from it? are vocal songs encoded differently in a game as opposed to pure instrumentals?
Hey Amber, a question that has nothing to do with FF12: Remember that game I sent you some time ago, Veldeselba? Why couldn't you rip any sound files from it? are vocal songs encoded differently in a game as opposed to pure instrumentals?
The game used a custom driver that I couldn't figure out. It required a bit of programming knowledge that I unfortunately don't have.
As for the vocal songs, I might be able to rip those... augh. *has flashbacks*
I'll take a look again if I can find out where I stashed my copy.
Sorry again. D:
Thanks! Awesome!
Question. Are all the tracks from the Demo present? (just wanted to make sure I could delete all of them from my hd)
Thanks again,
...PSF2s will be done uploading to my site in about 30 minutes.
I don't know about anyone else, but I got tired of hearing the harp glissando reaaaaally quickly.
Thanks for rip, althought you made me break my promise not to listen any FF XII rips before I've played the game.
But these sound soooo good, but Sakimoto has really listened some Star Wars-Williams when he did compose these tracks, there and there are parts which could be from the Original Trilogy. And thankfully the soundtracks release is soon, can't wait to get it. And the game whenever it will be released in Europe.
Thanks, Amber!
Very cool, thanks a lot.
There are some (probably cutscene) tracks that you can tell need to be heard in-game to be fully appreciated, but overall it sounds very good from what I've heard so far.
I like how the boss theme (track 036) was extended from the demo, the new parts make it sound a lot better.
079 is one of my favorites, I think it is a rearrangement of Vaan's theme, which I believe is 084. (067 is awesome too, I've seen a cutscene in which it plays and it goes extremely well with the game)
It's really hard to pick a definite favorite track though, nearly all of it is great and there is very little filler, which is very impressive considering how much music there is.
Must. Get. Home. From. Work.
Day too long!
Im gonna be good and wait for the soundtrack lol
Thanks! Awesome!
Question. Are all the tracks from the Demo present? (just wanted to make sure I could delete all of them from my hd)
Thanks again,
Yep, but you might want to compare them directly to see if maybe they're using different instrument samples or something. I haven't looked that in-depth yet.
I'll probably finish timing the stuff tonight and reupload the set... then again, maybe not; I won't be home until after 10, most likely.
Thanks a lot
If anyone is interested in ripping the FFXII movies to PC, check this out: http://videoff7.free.fr/ffxii2mov_1.01.zip
Thanks, again, for the PSFs Amber!
I'll give thanks as well, and some sympathies to your server, which is no doubt going to be ripped a new one shortly, if it hasn't been already.
Listened to the first 7 or so, and it's certainly Sakimoto-ish. Unfortunately I've lately been playing Dragon Quarter and trying to give FFTA a second chance in light of FF12 connections, so I'm currently kinda...Sakimotoed-the-hell-out. But thanks, definitely. #19 is a nice piece for St. Patrick's Day.
OK, for anyone who would like to know, the ending theme (staff credits theme) for FFXII is Symphonic Poem "Hope"! Who would've guessed?!
Who wouldn't have?
I always miss out. Missed Suiko 5 files too. =/
If anyone is interested in ripping the FFXII movies to PC, check this out: http://videoff7.free.fr/ffxii2mov_1.01.zip
Thanks, again, for the PSFs Amber!
Does anyone know if there is one for Dirge of Cerberus?
Here Sky:
Sorry for the off topic Amber.
I'm a huge fan of Sakimoto, as many people know. I absolutely adore his work on Tactics, Vagrant Story, Radiant Silvergun, Legaia Duel Saga, and Breath of Fire V. But of the 2 hours of Final Fantasy XII music I've listened to thus far. . . I'm finding it nothing short of dreadfully disappointing. The synth quality sucks (BoFV sounded better, to be honest. . . heck, a great majority of games out there have better quality synths than what Sakimoto is using), the compositions are lacking in substance, and Sakimoto's music sounds, on the whole, very tired. . . worn out. . . and not at all the grandiose, exquisite, vibrant, or otherwise incredibly exhilerating music of the Final Fantasy games we've been treated to over the ages.
Final Fantasy X went an incredibly unique direction with Nakano and Hamauzu on the team and sounded the more colorful for it. . . even Final Fantasy XI was a great soundtrack that went for an incredibly different sound and succeeded. Of all the composers in the WORLD, I thought Sakimoto could really put a stamp on this game and make it something really outstanding, but as I said, I am incredibly disappointed thus far. Maybe I just need to give it a couple more complete listens, who knows.
Sadly, this is no longer the Sakimoto I knew and loved so much.
Sayonara! Jockolantern
Could someone who has the PSF2 set please post to yousendit/rapidshare/whatever the remix/Sakimoto version of: SEMI-SPOILERS Battle on the Big Bridge/Battle with Gilgamesh? SEMI-SPOILERS
I'm going to wait until I've heard the music in context before I fully judge it but there aren't that many pieces that have truly grabbed me (aside from the final boss track and some of the quieter stuff). The crappy synth quality is one of the problems (although I've heard this is more a problem with the psf2s than anything else) but even the compositions themselves sound like Sakimoto on auto-pilot.
Vagrant Story this isn't.
It is worth noting that there are likely streamed tracks that are missing from the rip... and I know the wonderful intro movie track isn't in the set either.
Considering that the music is intended to be background music, it really is not fair to judge it before you hear it in the game. It fits very well, and I personally enjoyed it more than Vagrant Story by a long shot (and I am a HUGE Sakimoto fan)
Considering that the music is intended to be background music, it really is not fair to judge it before you hear it in the game.
It's very fair to judge it as a listening experience when you're listening to it. Especially if it helps deciding weather to buy the CD or not. THey are two totally seperate issues -- We Love Katamari is a perfect example, a game with music that fits the game great, though pretty blah to actually listen to on a CD.
It's definitely a grower. I've found that with many of Sakimoto's scores (most of which now rate among my favourites - FF Tactics and Vagrant Story in particular). I think some of it comes down to listening in context as there's so much ambient stuff - again, like VS - but the first time I listened it all kind of washed over me. I've since put this PSF2 set on pretty much every day, and it's crept into my favour quite emphatically now. Along with playing the game (or trying to, in Japanese!), the appreciation definitely comes steadily.
Could someone who has the PSF2 set please post to yousendit/rapidshare/whatever the remix/Sakimoto version of: SEMI-SPOILERS Battle on the Big Bridge/Battle with Gilgamesh? SEMI-SPOILERS
the set's back up for the next few days, shh.
it's track 97