Samples are up on the album page! There are still a few more tracks I'm tempted to post samples for but I think I've covered a lot of the biggies.
Angela wrote:It might also be worth noting that, judging from the 1:34 time lengths, none of the versions of "The Next Door/Indestructible" are the full length versions.
Yeah Capcom had implied that pre-release. Doesn't make much of a difference to me but the album edits definitely feel abbreviated, even without having heard the full-length versions.
Angela wrote:At this point, I'm most wondering how the TGS '08 PV BGM and Shop PV BGM sound like. Please tell me at least one of those include the trailer rendition of the amazing Volcanic Rim theme.
I included those samples with you in mind
You will find your beloved Volcanic Rim theme, which I think we can safely call the SFIV main theme, in the Shop PV BGM track. The TGS bonus track mostly dresses up Ryu's theme.
Here's a short sample of the SFIV Orchestra Version final track if anyone's interested. I didn't find it interesting or representative enough of the soundtrack to include it in the album page, and will take the file down after a day or two. … t-2-23.mp3
Angela wrote:Oh, and Adam, can you verify if they included the "heavy damage" variations of the main stage tracks? Are they integrated in the disc 1 tracks themselves?
Hard to say without having heard them in-game. I don't notice any SSF2 Turbo HD speed-ups anywhere.
Several but not all of the stages have two tracks on disc 1, and China's and Vietnam's at least share the same melody. Are those the heavy damage versions or does the game just have two variations of the same stage?
Edit: The heavy damage segments are in there! See my next post below.
Angela wrote:And finally, did they do away with the announcer's obnoxiously preachy speech in "Staff Roll"?
No preachy speech to be found, it's all music.