shdwrlm3 Sep 28, 2009
Well, it was bound to happen: http://streetfighterblog.blogspot.com/
T. Hawk and Juri are the only confirmed new characters. The rumors state that there'll be another 8: Dee Jay, to complete the SSF2 roster; Ibuki, Makoto, and Dudley from SF3; Adon, Guy, and Cody from SFA; Hakan, another original character. There are also a host of gameplay additions rumored, some of which have seemingly been confirmed by the screenshots.
My OCD can rest easy if we finally get a complete SSF2 roster, but I was hoping they'd finish adding the rest of the Alpha cast before moving on to SF3. And Juri seems like an odd name for a new character. How are Japanese players supposed to distinguish her from Juli? Or is that the point?
I'm one of the idiots who spent $60 bucks on Street Fighter II and then another $60 on Super Street Fighter II (thankfully I managed to bypass Turbo), so I'll be mighty pissed if they don't make this available for a low price. Given that Capcom charged $12 for alternate costumes, however, I wouldn't be surprised if they sold this at full price. Still, I'll probably get this just for the return of Chun-Li's Kikou Shou, woot!. But we all know they'll screw us over again with the eventual release of Super Street Fighter IV Turbo EX Plus alpha Third Strike Dash Double Upper.
That reminds me; I totally want Skullomania and Pullum Purna in SFIV.