Chapter 1-1
So, I popped this in (the Wii edition) for the first time today (and yes, this is my first time playing it) and couldn't stand the controls. Thank god for my Wavebird, which I decided to use.
So far, story seems pretty standard. I won't go into details, but it's obviously a rescue mission of sorts. Like Ashley, I jumped out the top window, but didn't have any issues with the enemies there. On a side note, PETA would hate me because I decided to shoot the crows in the beginning. Who knew that crows carried 400 peseta and a spinel!
So, once I completed that first section, I traveled down the path, came across a poor dog, was hesitant to free him, knowing what those damn things could possibly be..., but he just ran away. Made me feel better about killing those crows...but let's be honest, crows are annoying. CAW CAW!
Then I got to the village. Which was a BITCH. The first time I managed to get into a house without being seen (somewhere on the left side of the village) but when I left, this crazy lady with a pitchfork spotted me, so it called a whole bunch of villagers to the scene. Had a bit of difficulty with them, but eventually decided to run. Ran into a house, which triggered another cutscene...and there, my ultimate demise began to unfurl itself. Who's idea was it to include chainsaw wielding maniacs again? They should be decapitated via chainsaw, which is the bane of my existence.
So, to make a long story short:
Attempt 1: Got the Shotgun, didn't bother barricading the house, jumped out the window, kicked down the ladder on the other roof, turned around, and bam, chainsaw to the face. FAIL
Attempt 2: Got the shotgun, didn't bother barricading the house, jumped out the window, kicked down the ladder on the other roof, accidentally hit "Jump Down" so I ran to where I first entered the village, managed to take down the chainsaw maniac, but had no life left, and a random villager killed me. FAIL
Attempt 3: Got the shotgun, didn't bother barricading the house, jumped out the window, kicked down the ladder on the other roof, hit "Jump Down," ran to where I first entered the village, managed to take down the chainsaw maniac, didn't feel like taking on the villagers, ran to a tall tower, and ALMOST died by the damn molotov cocktails they threw, but I managed to survive until the bell chimed. Note: They have CRAZY good aim for me being a few stories in the air! SUCCESS!!!!!
After that, explored the village some, found some goodies, like a yellow herb!, and went on my merry way.
Cutscene with Boulder:
Attempt 1: Missed the action cue. DEAD. FAILURE.
Attempt 2: Success!
After that, the farm area was easy, grabbed a few eggs, mostly white and brown, managed to find all 7 medallions, explored and got some much needed items.
Went to the next area, dealt with the dynamite throwing Ganado (no issues here. It's fun shooting it before they light it. KABOOM!). Found the house with the lock, not before setting off a beartrap..., kicked it in, and found a mysterious man of Spanish origin trapped in a closet (kinda like R. Kelly). I free him and then this huge Russian looking fellow utterly destroys when I try to kick him. I have a feeling he is going to be a nasty mo-fo to take down.
So, there ends Chapter 1-1 and here were my stats.
Hit Ratio: 73%
Enemies Killed: 34
Deaths: 3
Not too shabby for a first time, I say...