Angela wrote:Can't wait to start Chapter 3; the castle is indeed one memorable set piece after another. Bring it!
Sadly, castle feels bit too long for my taste and after that the game felt like it was spreaded bit too much.
Anyways, long post warning, finished few chapters yesterday / today (also warning for humor attempts)~
Chapter 1-2
After a quick reaction test, it's time visit the best thing in this game: The merchant and the best voice ever for a npc in any game. Sold few spinels, bought map + case and tuned shotgun to give some more power, if I happen to need it. Won't be upgrading handgun at all, that shall wait until Red9.
So, I decided to go onwards, to an another massacre. Hopefully getting some more pesetas, because clearly I can't use my MasterCard to tune up. Things went pretty nice, even if I did run out of bullets in the midst of regular Michael Bay-fest. But then, thanks to progressive difficulty, Ganoda's decided to give part of the bullets I shot at them back. God bless those bumpkins.
On the next area, I decided to use one RGY mix to get more max health after getting hit few times. Place went without a hitch except for me jumping into a beartrap, but hey, nothing that kills you, makes you stronger. Also decided to 'fish' small black bass and a large one, with a knife, fun fun.
After a quick puzzle, it was time to meet my old friend from the end of Chapter 1-1, who was angry for some reason, maybe it was I visiting his bedroom and looting it from everything valuabe, who knows. Anyways, that was end of that chapter.
Hit Ratio 72% (Total 70%)
Enemies Killed 47 (Total 85)
Number of Times Killed 0 (Total 0)
Decided to save and continue onto next chapter, so I'll manage to catch you guys up. Save count before Chapter 1-3 is 2 and playtime is 1:20:46.
Chapter 1-3
Chapter starting with Hunnigan can't be bad. Right? There's just something with women with glasses, even if they're from media like videogames.
Anyways, decided to go back and say sorry to my friend, but no, some bitch in red dress disturbed our friendly wrestling. Pff I say.
Apparently this nice house has only one bathroom and it was occupied, but nothing few slices with knife and a swift kick in the back won't fix. Also, I decided to snitch my friends meal for the day, I sure have more use for chicken eggs than that huge gargantuan bumpkin. I need my protein to keep up with this crazy village.
And that egg would have been used already if I wouldn't have had my stock of herbs to make me stronger, bloody hell, headless guy running onto me like it was a prom of '86. There did go another mixture of RGY. Thankfully Mr. Chainsaw didn't cause any trouble, except shortage of shells, but I have a feeling that I'll get some more. Soon.
Too bad that the welcoming party next to gate didn't give anything good, except a small moment of warmth, probably because of that grenade I gave to them.
And now I was back in the village, the starting point of Ganado Massacre. I really do wonder where they all live, knowing that I've already killed people for two villages. Sadly, the new inhabitants didn't bring any more loot for me. Oh well, still in somewhat good shape ammunination wise, I continued the search of President's daughter. Who hopefully still is in one piece.
Found the merchant again in the cave, and I still wonder how he manages to outrun me. Gotta know some backroutes, I hope he'll tell them to me also. Oh well, decided to again sell some spinels plus those TMP-50 bullets I won't be using.
Ah, graveyards, thankfully there's no T-Virus in here, otherwise I would be in problem. Shot few crows and got bitten by a female, clearly thanks to the good looks I have. Finished target practice and another regular RE-puzzle for Green Catseye.
At the next area, saw a nice group of little crows, just a good place to practice my throwing arm. Which was a good call, lots of money and my grenade back. And my map told me that merchant was again close to me, so I decided to go show my markmanship for him to get my present. Which was a nice Punisher, now I can sell my old handgun away. Also decided to upgrade shotgun a bit, to get more capacity.
Well, that's for tonight, saved at the merchant. (3rd save).
And after a few days rest, we start by running from a boulder. Good morning sprint keeps Ganado's away. Swamp went almost without a trouble, few Ganado's decided to get a taste of me so had to eat the large black bass, and waste few shells to keep the crowd in control.
Decided not to save before Del Lago, usually it hasn't caused me any major trouble and but it decided to give some now, thanks to it hitting me to deep red at first attack, after that it waas just easy fishing. And then it was a small part of ze plot and end of the chapter.
Hit Ratio 73% (Total 71%)
Enemies Killed 52 (Total 137)
Number of times killed 0 (Total 0)
4 saves and playtime of 2:20:07
Chapter 2-1 "Night of the living dead"
Went back to boat and visited the otherside of the lake to get some goodies. And upgraded shotgun to have more blast and capacity.
Dam part was again nice and easy, but probably one of the best places in the game, mood-wise. Then it was time to get ready for El Gigante, which is always fun. But to be safe, decided to save. (5th save)
The battle with the Cave Troll went nicely, got hit once to deep red which let me use RGY mixture, and for the first time I did see the dog help me also.
Church puzzle got me stumbled for a time, but then it was finally time to see the President's (useless) daughter and end the chapter after few small discussion with the baddie.
Hit Ratio 87% (Total 73%)
Enemies Killed 11 (Total 148)
Number of times killed 0 (Total 0)
6 saves and playtime of 2:59:27. More today, so I can catch up with you guys.
Edit, couldn't actually much let go of the game so more of today's action:
Chapter 2-2
Ah, now the 'fun' starts with Ashley. Thankfully most of the "Welcome Ashley to our Village"-committee got crushed by the flaming wagon. Oh the joy of misplaced explosives.
Thankfully the weapons salesman did have something new for me, a nice Red9, which I will be using as my main handgun for now, updating it also. Bought the stock also for it to help my journey to the depths of this game.
Found my way back to village again, shot some bumpkins, had fun healing Ash back to full health twice. Bloody hell with her. Which left me with one First Aid Spray and RG mixture.
And I do hate Las Plagas a lot, especially when I miss the headshots so often, thanks to that, Farm part went really shitty.
Next merchant sold me First Aid Spray, which makes things bit easier in the future shootout at the small house. But Luis cracking jokes about Ashley's figure is golden.
The shootout was pretty hectic, got little triggerhappy with shotgun so lost lots of shells. Oh well, worse ways to end a chapter.
Hit Ratio 73% (Total 73%)
Enemies Killed 63 (Total 211)
Number of times killed 0 (Total 0)
7th save and playtime was around 3:38:51 when I saved. Onto the next one.
Chapter 2-3
Decided to go with El Gigante way, to get rid of few Flash Grenades. Well, few did mean all of the six I had, but atleast I didn't have much trouble with it now.
Also decided not to buy a rifle for the upcoming Gondola-shootout, which ended up being a good call, one shot missed only. Now, the upcoming battle with Mendez could be problematic, me only having 18 shells and 92 bullets at the moment. And only 2 first aid spray, though the place does give few herbs, but I do wonder if I should just cave-in and buy a Rocket Launcher, I do have around 100k pesetas to use. But I'll let you guys decide if I should just bear it or just wimp my way out (planning doing that atleast on two bosses, depending on my situtation). Anyways, good place to take a break so~
8th save and playtime is 4:05:30.
(Also, this is probably the largest post I've ever made, but then what I can do when I happen to manage to write stuff.)