Jay Feb 5, 2012
So I completed the main game today. I loved it. I had issues with it - mainly the creatures, which I felt were dull and not remotely creepy, and the side missions, which were usually just shooting galleries that broke the pacing of the main story - but what I found was that, the further I got, the more interesting and more involving the game got. The main location was excellent, and looked great on 3DS, and I felt they made really good use of it, playing with it and changing the situation to make the most out of areas and, especially, to use backtracking not just to extend the game but add to it in terms of tension or higher stakes.
There were some real highlights in the last few episodes and many 'you've got to be kidding me' moments (in a good way).
I also found myself really getting into the story. That was a bit of a surprise to be honest. I guess I wasn't expecting all that much from it but they managed to craft something really involving here and I found it very satisfying.
And it all worked great on the 3DS. I did use the circle pad add-on. Not convinced it needs it but I had it and got used to it and, with it, had very few control issues. The only one really being that I never quite figured out how to dodge.
So, yes, I loved it. I really hope they make another 3DS RE game. With better enemies. Zombies. I'd even like them to port RE4 as I'm one of the only people on the planet who still hasn't played it.