vertexguy Jul 23, 2008 (edited Jul 24, 2008)
Hey all,
For those interested, I've posted a video up of my new song "The Bionic Jam", which will be featured in Capcom's upcoming next gen title Bionic Commando. This is a live performance from my concert at the Iron Man of Gaming. If you like it, pick up the studio version from itunes.com or sumthingdigital.com. Just search for "The Bionic Jam". Enjoy!
Live Performance Video:
Official game site with more info:
Direct link to Itunes:
http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZSt … 7&s=143441
Direct link to sumthingdigital:
https://www.sumthingdigital.com/AlbumDe … bumid=3722
Chris Kline