Solon Jhee Feb 13, 2008
I just began to remember good moments, hearing old snes songs. Nothing better for remember my beloved 90's when i played the DKC trilogy. Special case was, that DKC II is the best of the trilogy but i want to focus in songs. For me, "Stickerbush Simphony" from DKC II is the best song of all snes tracks, (and owns in VGM world for me) for sure and in a far second place the "fear factory" song from DKC I. Abput DKC III nothing much to say, but the soundtrack of the cascade stage (can't remember the real name) was amazing too. David Wise ? A GENIUS, but i don't know more of his productions, if someone could give me some recomendation of tracks produced by him.... thanks in advance ^^
pd: Bayou Boogie from DKC II another kickass track too if someone wants to listen some samples